Included in this writing are records of men and women of all faiths who
influenced me at different times of my life. I consider each to be an
aristocrat of the spirit because each was memorable in my early life,
in more than fiftyfive years of ministry, and in my retirement. The use
of the word “aristocrat,” however, has nothing to do with the lineage
of folks born to wealth or status but just to those who influenced
others for good, either the common good or for someone’s enriched
personal life. In my estimation, they are “aristocratic” only because
of their own individual positive selves.
These are people I have either been related to or have met one way or
another and in whom I admired their sense of decency or the way they
endured their personal struggles. We need to be inspired daily
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015904626
Hardcover: 978-1-5035-5674-4
Softcover: 978-1-5035-5675-1
eBook:   978-1-5035-5676-8
Read the Table of Contents and extracts from Chapter 1 of
Aristocrats of the Spirit